Welcome to Beginning Faith Ministries. Have a blessed day!


Scripture explicitly commands that we ought never to “despise small beginnings.” Why? Because, we are told, “the lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zachariah 4:10. The beginning of any great work, is just as important as the ending (or completion) of that work. Without humble beginnings, we would never witness the glorious, crescendoing finale. The grown 13,000 pound African bush elephant had a small beginning. The lowly acorn that became the mighty oak tree had a small beginning. The blizzard of 1978 had a one flake and a one inch beginning. Giant world wars have begun as little scuffles in the backyard. World defining movements have begun as small ideas. Multi-billion dollar tech companies have started in lowly garages (and basements). Large, massive, explosive wildfires have begun as tiny little sparks and small innocent matches. If all the prior examples do nothing to convince you, always remember that even 7 foot 2’, 350 pound Shaquille O’Neill got his start as a little spec in his mother and father’s eyes. The bible is right, “Do not despise small beginnings,” because just as it only takes a spark to get the fire going, it takes only a ‘little faith’ - a Beginning Faith to grow into the fullness of what God has envisioned you to be. 

So #1 - despise not small beginnings; #2 begin a small faith journey today. Sit back and watch God WORK as He plants that one seed of faith in you; all the while watering it, feeding it, watching it, and growing it into a mighty tree. 

You can rest assure and be confident of this truth:

  • “That He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus” Philippians 1:6

  • “The LORD will fulfill His purpose in you” – Psalm 138:8

Time and time again in the scriptures God takes small insignificant things and multiples it, transforming them into important things.

  • He takes two old, shriveled AARP members, Abraham and Sarah, and makes this barren, infertile, childless couple produce a mighty nation.

  • He takes Moses’ small, ordinary rod and makes it an extraordinary miracle working weapon

  • He takes a small Shepherd boy named David and uses him to defeat a mighty giant warrior named Goliath

  • He borrows a little boy’s lunch (5 loaves and 2 fish) and feeds 5,000 from that small thing

The God of scripture specializes in using small, foolish, insignificant things to confound the wise. He will use your Beginning Faith to grow you, bless you, and amaze you (stay tuned for how He’ll use it to amaze others). He needs just your Mustered sized faith to move mountains. I have heard that ‘any fool can count the seeds in an apple. But only God can count all the apples in one seed.’ One single seed faith, in God’s hands will become multiplied blessings. Thank you for visiting our site – begin your faith journey today.

About Pastor Osei

Pastor Theophilus Osei is the Assistant Pastor of New Life and Tabernacle of Joy Seventh-Day Adventist Churches in the Bronx, NY. He is passionate about teaching the word of God through small groups and evangelism.

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When he is not ministering at other congregations, Pastor Osei can be found at the New Life and Tabernacle of Joy Seventh-Day Adventist Churches in the Bronx, NY.


Here is the patience of the saints; here are those how keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

— Revelation 14:12 (NJKV)